Providing a comprehensive general practice service.

We have a team of registered and enrolled nurses who are able to help you with a variety of issues. There is a wide range of experience across our nursing team and you may see a number of nurses over the course of your care.
Clinical Tasks
We love to help with injections such as B12 and Prolia. You will generally be booked with a nurse to deliver the injection and then with your doctor. This helps to free up your doctor’s time for issues that only they can help you with such as repeat prescriptions.
Wound Care
We have a range of wound care expertise within the team, we remove sutures and staples and will usually help your doctor with procedures such as excisions.
Child and Adult Vaccinations
Vaccinations include those on the National Vaccine Program (NIP), annually influenza vaccines and travel vaccines. At the moment we are excitedly preparing to deliver the much anticipated Covid vaccine. All vaccines are sent to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
Iron Infuisons
Women’s health Screening including Cervical Screening (Pap Smear) by our experienced Registered Nurse/ MIdwife Karen.
Ear Syringing
ECG’s and ABPI Testing
Check how your heart and blood flow in your lower limbs are functioning.
Spirometry Testing
Testing for asthma and chronic obstructive airways disease (currently on hold due to the Covid Pandemic.
Health Education
Updating your health information
Lifestyle Advice
Advice such as QUITTING smoking, healthy eating, and increasing your physical activity
Motivation and Monitoring
Blood pressure checks, biometric weight (including your muscle and fat percentage) and weight loss counselling.
Chronic Disease Care
(GPMP’s) and (TCA’s)
General Practice Management Plans and team care arrangements are created so that we are all on the ‘same page’ managing your care and know who else is involved such as specialists, physio or podiatrist
Diabetes Assessments and Care
Asthma Care,
Reviews and annual asthma action plans (needed every year for schools and kindy’s if your child is on medications).
Health Assessments
75years and over Annual Health Assessments
Diabetes Risk Assessments
Healthy Heart Checks
45 years – 49 years old Health Assessments
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heath Assessments for children and adults
In addition our nurses may ask to spend some time with you while you are waiting for your doctor. They will use this time to update your family health history, measure your blood pressure or weight/BMI and discuss routine screening for health problems such as bowel cancer and breast screening. This allows you to make the most of your time with your doctor by focussing on your most important concerns.
All of our nurses are trained to work in General Practice and participate in continuing professional development every year to maintain their registration.