Mental Health
Care Plan
Providing a comprehensive general practice service.

Mental health is now epidemic in Australia. We do not know the reason. Unfortunately, epidemiological statistic tells us that it is rising and affecting more and more young people. In this clinic, this illness accounts for up to 40% of why young patients visit us.
What is a Mental Health Care Plan?
This is a Federal Government initiative for Australian residents to seek subsidized psychological support from professional mental health care providers like Psychologists or Social workers.
Am I eligible for a Mental Health Care Plan?
A Mental Health Care Plan is available to you if you have a mental disorder that has been diagnosed by a doctor. Examples are Depression, Anxiety or Bipolar disorders.
How do I get it a Mental Health Care Plan?
Make an appointment to see one of our General Practitioners to discuss this and we are more than happy to assess and assist.
What does a Mental Health Care Plan cover?
Mental Health Care Plan covers you up to 6 sessions of treatment whilst Mental Health Care Plan Review covers you a further 4 more sessions after you have completed the initial six sessions. The total of 10 sessions are to be completed within one calendar year. All these attracts Medicare Rebates (Item No 2715 and 2712 respectively).